Comprehensive Economic Analysis and Investment Prospects in Estonia

Sadik H.
6 min readAug 4, 2023


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

1. Introduction

In today’s interconnected and dynamic global economy, I, as an investor, face numerous challenges when seeking secure and profitable investment opportunities for my surplus capital. As inflation rates rise across the world, it has become more critical than ever for me to identify countries with a proven track record of steady and healthy economic growth. Estonia, a small Baltic state located in Northern Europe, has emerged as a compelling hotspot for commercial investment in recent years. Despite this emerging potential, I remain cautious about committing to investments in Estonia, citing a lack of substantial evidence to support its attractiveness as an investment destination. This report aims to address these concerns by conducting an in-depth data analysis of key economic indicators and evaluating the most promising sectors for investment in Estonia. The datasets utilized were sourced from the esteemed Statistics Estonia webpage and encompass average monthly gross wages, change in consumer price index, existing enterprises by economic activity, level of unemployment per occupation group, and retail sales.

2. Data Preprocessing

To ensure the credibility and reliability of my analysis, I diligently preprocessed the datasets obtained from Statistics Estonia’s open data source. My data preprocessing involved thorough checks for missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies, while also performing necessary feature scaling to standardize all variables. In addition to cleaning the datasets, I transformed them into a special format that enables seamless correlation analysis between various economic metrics using the cutting-edge Orange data analysis tool. To ensure consistency across datasets with different timeframes, I meticulously selected data ranging from the beginning of 2018 until the latest available records and incorporated data from the past decade wherever applicable. My data entries were structured to include monthly and yearly rows, facilitating efficient merging for further analysis. To streamline the data visualization process in Orange, I leveraged Excel for effective dataset transformation. Notably, certain retail sales findings were excluded from the final presentation as my focus shifted towards analyzing the potential of the manufacturing sector in Estonia.

Economic Activity
Economic activity
UNEMPLOYED PERSONS by Indicator, Major group of occupations of the last job and Reference period
Consumer Price
Average Gross Wages

3. Analysis and Findings

3.1 Unemployment per Occupation Group: Through my comprehensive analysis, I uncovered a notable unemployment rate among skilled employees qualified for professions related to crafts and trades in Estonia. This crucial piece of information holds significant value for me as a prospective investor seeking to capitalize on sectors with a high demand for skilled workers. The manufacturing sector in Estonia emerges as a highly viable investment area, offering promising job opportunities for these skilled individuals. However, deeper investigation is warranted to understand the underlying reasons for the skill mismatch in the labor market and assess the potential for these skilled workers to transition effectively to the manufacturing sector. Additionally, I must consider the specific crafts and trades professions experiencing higher unemployment rates to align my investment strategies with the country’s labor market demands effectively.

3.2 Average Gross Monthly Income Dataset: Within the average gross monthly income dataset, I observed a robust correlation between total wages and salaries in the manufacturing and human health and social work activities sectors. While this correlation does not directly inform Estonia’s overall attractiveness as an investment market, it highlights the potential impact of wage fluctuations on the country’s total income. Moreover, the relatively low median wage in Estonia, especially within the manufacturing sector, presents a cost advantage for companies planning to expand their operations in this sector. However, it is crucial for me to assess the factors contributing to the wage levels in these sectors and the potential for wage growth to ensure sustainable investments. Furthermore, comparing wage trends over time and analyzing the impact of labor market policies can provide deeper insights into Estonia’s wage dynamics and its implications for my potential investments.

3.3 Change in Consumer Price Index: Estonia experienced a significant surge in inflation in 2022, which had a severe impact on citizens’ purchasing power. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 19.4%, outpacing the growth in average monthly gross wages and leading to an 8.8% decrease in real wages. This surge in inflation raises concerns for me as a potential investor, as it may diminish consumer spending and reduce the overall attractiveness of the market. Furthermore, the housing market witnessed a staggering 50.8% increase in prices in 2022, significantly contributing to the overall rise in CPI. As a prudent investor, I must carefully monitor inflationary trends, particularly in the housing market, to implement measures that support affordable housing and mitigate inflationary pressures on the economy. Understanding the underlying drivers of inflation, such as changes in energy and housing costs, can help me anticipate and manage potential risks associated with inflation.

3.4 Existing Enterprises by Economic Activity: My analysis of existing enterprises in Estonia provides a bird’s-eye view of the country’s economic landscape. Notably, the manufacturing sector occupies a respectable 5th position, indicating it as a potentially rewarding sector for investment. In-depth research and analysis are crucial for me to understand the specific industries and subsectors driving growth within the manufacturing sector. Identifying high-growth subsectors and analyzing competitive advantages can guide me in making informed decisions regarding investment opportunities in manufacturing. Additionally, evaluating the geographical distribution of enterprises within the manufacturing sector can provide insights into regional opportunities and potential collaboration with existing enterprises.

4. Conclusion

Estonia presents a mixed investment landscape, characterized by both opportunities and challenges. While the high inflation rate poses significant concerns for me as a potential investor, particularly in regard to consumer purchasing power, the manufacturing sector offers promising prospects due to the availability of skilled workers and competitive labor costs. As I navigate the investment landscape, I must exercise vigilance in monitoring inflationary trends, especially within the housing market, and implement measures to support affordable housing and maintain economic stability. Further research and due diligence are imperative for me to make informed investment decisions in Estonia’s evolving economic environment. I must carefully assess the potential of the manufacturing sector, analyze the dynamics of wage growth and inflation, and explore avenues to bridge the skill gap in the labor market to unlock Estonia’s true investment potential. By adopting a data-driven and strategic approach, I can capitalize on the emerging potential of Estonia’s dynamic and promising investment landscape.

5. Recommendations

Based on the comprehensive data analysis and findings, I recommend considering investments in Estonia’s manufacturing sector. The availability of skilled workers at competitive wages and a supportive business climate make it an attractive location for manufacturing operations. Additionally, monitoring inflation trends, especially in the housing market, is crucial to anticipate potential risks and implement measures to maintain economic stability. By adopting a data-driven and strategic approach, investors can unlock the true potential of Estonia’s dynamic and promising investment landscape in the manufacturing sector.

6. References




Sadik H.

Data Analyst | Business Analyst | Passionate about translating data to insights